Sunday 19 February 2017

Why should startups turn to mobility?

Why should startups turn to mobility
Entrepreneurs who started on a small scale will agree that setting up a full-fledged business is not at all an easy task. The challenges involved in building the infrastructure, training the employees, addressing security concerns, creating quality products, selling them to customers, addressing customer concerns etc., require persistent efforts from the management at every instant.

However, today the scenario has changed altogether thanks to the evolving digital landscape driven by the growth in internet and mobile technologies. Mobility is influencing enterprises of all types, helping them improve efficiency, reduce infrastructure outlay, and shrink learning curve. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) enables business transformation in startups by bringing efficiency and agility at every stage of operation.

Let us analyse how BYOD helps small businesses and startups flourish in today’s digital age.
Drive efficiency: BYOD enables small businesses build a successful business model in a cost-effective way. With BYOD, employees are free to use their personal devices to perform their professional tasks in office or at home. In other words, they don’t have to switch between their devices while at work or at home. The same laptop and mobile phone they are familiar with at home can be used to perform their tasks at workplace.

This practice is more beneficial to the employer because it reduces the learning curve of each employee by eliminating the time taken to familiarise him or her with the device at workplace, as well as reducing the complexities associated with synching the data between home and office devices.

Cost matters: The cost benefits associated with BYOD are countless. The trend reduces organisation’s reliance on in-house hardware, so there is significant reduction in cost on infrastructure and maintenance. The real-estate required to house the user devices is much less compared to the cabin space required to hold bulky desktop PCs, scanners, fax machines etc. With mobility, employees are empowered to handle every office task on their personal devices like laptops, tablets or mobile phones.

This apart, mobility supports Connected Devices enabling startups to launch Internet of Things (IoT) concepts like remote monitoring of assets and employees, thus eliminating huge costs involved in handling them in the traditional way.

Collaboration and more: BYOD also supports collaboration in startups. Participating in a video conference is no more difficult for an employee in a startup. A slight tap on the touch screen will launch the conferencing room where multiple participants emerge from multiple locations. With collaboration tools, it’s now easier to share documents, images, videos, or files on the fly to social media and online storage sources.

Concepts like virtual docs  and e-Office  have transformed the startups’ business environment from a traditional brick-and-mortar setup to a world-class facility. Modern trends like cloud and analytics  complement the mobility initiatives, adding more value to the investments. By enabling access to the latest software technologies, leading IT services providers  in cloud and mobility space bring revolutionary transformation in startups.

Security, no more a worry: Security, however, is emerging as a concern among enterprises adopting BYOD. Businesses, whether small or big, have equal responsibility to ensure safety of their confidential data obtained from their clients and customers, so the concern for device security is genuine among them. However, latest advancements indicate that BYOD has evolved to address the risks associated with linking user devices to company’s network.

Leading mobility solution providers deliver robust security and compliance capabilities to organisations, making their transformation into a 21st century business faster and more effective.

With BYOD growth  expected to touch double digits in 2016, startups have no reason to turn away from mobility initiatives. They are required to set up an effective mobility strategy right from the beginning, so that they can scale the technology and resources in alignment with their future growth.

It is crucial at this point to identify the right IT services partner who can help you grow even in challenging times. Remember, technology is the hub of the wheel of your business, so adopting the right technology at the right time will help your business run in the right direction at the right pace.

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