Sunday 19 February 2017

Innovation with business results: Not what you spend, but how you spend

Success in a highly competitive business world demands executives make their companies stand out with breakthrough products, business models and customer experience. So, how much should a company invest in innovation and where should it invest to produce real business results?
Many business executives will be surprised to learn that the answer isn’t simply to spend more dollars on R&D. Instead, true innovation leadership requires an investment focus not just on product development but more systemically across an organisation’s business processes. That’s one of the key findings from a recent IDC study that looks beyond the big myth of innovation as a process synonymous with developing disruptive products or business models, such as Apple’s iPhone or Uber’s car sharing service.

Conducted on behalf of Ricoh, the global study of 1,600 large enterprises sought to understand innovation and how it drives business results.  IDC grouped companies into four categories (Leaders, Performers, Followers and Laggards), based on the extent to which they exhibited innovative behaviours tied to positive business outcomes.
Linking innovation and business results
IDC’s study revealed a strong link between innovation and business outcomes. Innovation Leaders drive far better business results than any other category, which points to their systemic approach to investments. By comparison with Laggards, the study found that over a three-year period, Leaders achieved:
  • 41% greater sales growth
  • 40% greater improvement in productivity
  • 16% greater improvement in profit margins
  • 33% greater improvement in product quality
  • 41% more revenue from new products
However, most companies are not producing business results from their innovation efforts, according to IDC. The two main reasons for this are how and where companies invest in innovation, and how well the organisation performs on innovative behaviours.
So, which best practices help define a company as an Innovation Leader? IDC’s study offers an eye-opening and instructive look at several high-impact practices displayed by successful innovators.
Innovation investment: How much leaders spend on R&DOne of the study’s most striking findings is that contrary to common wisdom, Innovation Leaders spend 5% of revenue on R&D versus the 7% that Laggards spend. This begs the question: If the Leaders are spending a lower share of revenue, then how are they driving better business results?
The surprising answer: Innovation Leaders spend a greater share of their R&D on blue-sky projects – research outside of current products or offerings. Leaders spend 29% of their R&D on this, in contrast to 18% for Laggards. As one study respondent said: “[A driver of innovation is] how much money you spend on stuff you are not sure is going to work or not.”
percentage of budget spent on research and developmentInnovation investment: Where Leaders put their focusShould innovation focus on making big infrequent bets or small frequent bets? IDC’s study found that Innovation Leaders are more focused on making many small bets: 81% of Leaders but only 19% of Laggards take this approach. Making lots of small bets allows the innovator to iterate rapidly, learning what works and what does not, and to quickly adjust to changing market conditions. The study found strong evidence that making many small bets also leads to better business outcomes.
Leaders also focus on information technology as an innovation enabler and derive strong business results from its use. They understand that IT is fundamental to unleashing and optimising the flow of information to spark ideas, derive insight, and to enable collaboration. All these activities help drive innovation.
Interestingly, Innovation Leaders also use technology most broadly – and not just the latest technologies like mobile, cloud, and social. That approach is reflected in the top five technologies Leaders use to support innovation: Enterprise social networks, Business process workflow automation, Digital signage, Information capture/tagging/indexing/search, and Mobile device support for core enterprise applications.
Use of key technologies such as collaboration tools, enterprise search tools, and information capture and tagging produce real and striking business results. For instance, companies that effectively leverage internal collaboration tools have:
  • 16% higher revenue growth
  • 28% higher profit margin
  • 90% more growth in their fastest-growing product line
Is it possible to innovative without disrupting a market or offering new products? IDC’s study suggests the answer is yes. It found that the most successful companies innovate broadly, creating new revenue sources and new business models, not only new products. These companies believe innovation across many functional areas is important. To achieve innovation leadership, they focus their R&D on blue-sky opportunities and use technology very effectively. It’s not how much these leaders spend but what they invest in that enables their innovation to produce superior business results.

Why should startups turn to mobility?

Why should startups turn to mobility
Entrepreneurs who started on a small scale will agree that setting up a full-fledged business is not at all an easy task. The challenges involved in building the infrastructure, training the employees, addressing security concerns, creating quality products, selling them to customers, addressing customer concerns etc., require persistent efforts from the management at every instant.

However, today the scenario has changed altogether thanks to the evolving digital landscape driven by the growth in internet and mobile technologies. Mobility is influencing enterprises of all types, helping them improve efficiency, reduce infrastructure outlay, and shrink learning curve. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) enables business transformation in startups by bringing efficiency and agility at every stage of operation.

Let us analyse how BYOD helps small businesses and startups flourish in today’s digital age.
Drive efficiency: BYOD enables small businesses build a successful business model in a cost-effective way. With BYOD, employees are free to use their personal devices to perform their professional tasks in office or at home. In other words, they don’t have to switch between their devices while at work or at home. The same laptop and mobile phone they are familiar with at home can be used to perform their tasks at workplace.

This practice is more beneficial to the employer because it reduces the learning curve of each employee by eliminating the time taken to familiarise him or her with the device at workplace, as well as reducing the complexities associated with synching the data between home and office devices.

Cost matters: The cost benefits associated with BYOD are countless. The trend reduces organisation’s reliance on in-house hardware, so there is significant reduction in cost on infrastructure and maintenance. The real-estate required to house the user devices is much less compared to the cabin space required to hold bulky desktop PCs, scanners, fax machines etc. With mobility, employees are empowered to handle every office task on their personal devices like laptops, tablets or mobile phones.

This apart, mobility supports Connected Devices enabling startups to launch Internet of Things (IoT) concepts like remote monitoring of assets and employees, thus eliminating huge costs involved in handling them in the traditional way.

Collaboration and more: BYOD also supports collaboration in startups. Participating in a video conference is no more difficult for an employee in a startup. A slight tap on the touch screen will launch the conferencing room where multiple participants emerge from multiple locations. With collaboration tools, it’s now easier to share documents, images, videos, or files on the fly to social media and online storage sources.

Concepts like virtual docs  and e-Office  have transformed the startups’ business environment from a traditional brick-and-mortar setup to a world-class facility. Modern trends like cloud and analytics  complement the mobility initiatives, adding more value to the investments. By enabling access to the latest software technologies, leading IT services providers  in cloud and mobility space bring revolutionary transformation in startups.

Security, no more a worry: Security, however, is emerging as a concern among enterprises adopting BYOD. Businesses, whether small or big, have equal responsibility to ensure safety of their confidential data obtained from their clients and customers, so the concern for device security is genuine among them. However, latest advancements indicate that BYOD has evolved to address the risks associated with linking user devices to company’s network.

Leading mobility solution providers deliver robust security and compliance capabilities to organisations, making their transformation into a 21st century business faster and more effective.

With BYOD growth  expected to touch double digits in 2016, startups have no reason to turn away from mobility initiatives. They are required to set up an effective mobility strategy right from the beginning, so that they can scale the technology and resources in alignment with their future growth.

It is crucial at this point to identify the right IT services partner who can help you grow even in challenging times. Remember, technology is the hub of the wheel of your business, so adopting the right technology at the right time will help your business run in the right direction at the right pace.

Ricoh Docs helps Suzuki automate document management

Business need

Suzuki Motorcycles India Pvt.Ltd. (SMIPL) started seeing a dramatic increase in the amount of data that needed to be managed over the last few years. Earlier, the company used to maintain Final Check – OK check sheets on paper. Storing data on hard copy and retrieving it manually cost the company more time and resources. Consequently, SMIPL started looking for a solution that could store and retrieve scanned data frominspection sheets and enable the users to locate motorcycle model types, model codes, month codes, year codes and serial numbers.
The solution had to also allow the company to retain inspection card or check sheet scanned data up to three years for domestic models and up to ten years for export models.


The solution
After evaluating various Document Management Solutions, the company finalised on RicohDocs. According to Vijaypal Singh Chauhan, who heads the IS function at SMIPL,RicohDocs was chosen as it provided good electronic data capturing and optical character recognition (OCR) features besides an equally efficient electronic record management system. “We also found RicohDocs to be cost-effective, user-friendly and highly customisable,” says Chauhan.  Post deployment, RicohDocs was integrated with scanners at the shopfloor, and also with barcodes.

This system uses a file server. When the operator in the factory scans a vehicle check sheet, the scanned copy will be saved in the file server from where it will be uploaded into RicohDocs. At the time of upload, the RicohDocs barcode scanner scans the check-sheet for the barcode and retrieves the ‘Frame Code’ embedded in the barcode. Using this ‘Frame Code’ and the SQL Query developed by Suzuki, the application fetches other details such as ‘Engine Numbers’, ‘Model Codes’, ‘Model Groups’, ‘AB OK Date’, ‘Final Check OK Date’ among others from the Suzuki database. Based on the Frame Code fetched from the barcode on the check-sheet, the file is stored into the respective folder in RicohDocs along with the metadata and the scanner ID mentioned.

Chauhan says that SMIPL has drastically brought down the total cost of operations since deploying RicohDocs. “In case of vehicle failure in the market, we can retrieve the original information in the check sheets within seconds now,” he says,“This helps us check the production history of a particular vehicle.” He also points out that deploying the solution has helped the company achieve significant process improvements as paper documents have been converted to digital for fast electronic distribution and easy sharing and storage.

Sunday 12 February 2017

Ricoh implements paperless E-billing via email

Ricoh conducted an analysis of its entire billing and payment collection cycle – including the use of paper, and the movement of our employees for meter reading and invoicing. On an average, in any major city, Ricoh employees travel 70,000 km every month, translating into 5,400 kg of CO2 emission.

This is avoidable, and to this end, the company is digitising its meter reading and billing process. All machines with the option to send automated meter reads will be invoiced based on the data captured through its cloud service, @Remote. Ricoh’s technical staff will work with customers’ IT support departments to enable the service, if it is not already enabled.

In parallel, Ricoh aims to implement paperless E-billing via email. Customers just need to share an authorised personnel’s email ID to operationalise this system. An easy and convenient way to pay bills via electronic transfer through RTGS/NEFT is also being offered.

To read more:

RICOH's Digital Meter Reading & Billing System

Ricoh conducted an analysis of its entire billing and payment collection cycle – including the use of paper, and the movement of our employees for meter reading and invoicing.

On an average, in any major city, Ricoh employees travel 70,000 km every month, translating into 5,400 kg of CO2 emission.

This is avoidable, and to this end, the company is digitising its meter reading and billing process.

All machines with the option to send automated meter reads will be invoiced based on the data captured through its cloud service, @Remote. Ricoh’s technical staff will work with customers’ IT support departments to enable the service, if it is not already enabled.

ricoh-digital-meter-reading-and-billing-systemIn parallel, Ricoh aims to implement paperless E-billing via email.

Customers just need to share an authorised personnel’s email ID to operationalise this system.

An easy and convenient way to pay bills via electronic transfer through RTGS/NEFT is also being offered.

For more details read:

RICOH India helped Aviva Life Insurance protect network and data security vulnerabilities

As a large organisation, Aviva was sceptical whether an MDS solution will help achieve their strategic goal of digitising business processes and automating workflows that stubbornly remain paper-based.

Today, Aviva’s engagement with Ricoh has driven worker productivity by creating the most efficient and effective document workflow environment.

Since the beginning of the engagement that began three years ago, Ricoh took its commitment beyond just consumable-based cost savings by adding complementary capabilities such as print management, document scanning, and an electronic document workflow software.

And the ROI has been more than impressive. Till date, Ricoh has reduced printing costs by 25% compared to the earlier solution.

 Ricoh’s MDS has benefited Aviva Life Insurance in multiple ways. For instance, Ricoh’s Remote software provided Aviva Life Insurance with activity tracking and analysis capabilities for all printing, photocopying, and scanning. It improved the company’s placement of devices to avoid print and scan backlogs.

Similarly, it also helped Aviva Life Insurance protect network and data security vulnerabilities. With confidential information moving through workflows every day, Aviva needed to establish a chain of custody for every document,.

Aviva could not risk any business disruption that resulted in permanently losing valuable information assets.

To this end, Ricoh’s MDS solution ensures that document capture processes conform to corporate data protection policies. These policies cover scanned documents both at the server and desktop levels to mitigate business risk.

The solution also creates searchable digital files, eliminating the labour required to hunt for information manually.

To read more:

Optimising document-driven processes presents a significant revenue growth opportunity

Despite the belief held by many business executives that document-driven processes relate only to ‘back office’ functions, research indicates that this conventional wisdom is off the mark and that optimising document-driven processes presents a significant revenue growth opportunity.

Since Aviva Life Insurance operates in a highly regulated vertical, it faces a constant requirement for prints of customer communication and contractual documents. The company had a vast printer network spanning 120 locations with more than 2,800 staff and 24,000 agents. They had already deployed a different vendor’s MFP solution, but it caused frequent printing-related issues,

These, in turn, affected Aviva’s print productivity. Naturally, the company decided to move to a stronger and hassle-free print infrastructure.

They then started evaluating vendors who could fulfil Aviva’s print requirements and provide other value additions too.

They had a corporate excellence process that involves rigorous evaluation right from vendor registration to selection, and Ricoh satisfied all the criteria before being selected as their new MDS partner.

Ricoh’s team evaluated Aviva Life Insurance’s requirements and recommended a select set of devices along with software solutions, depending upon the printing and document application and usage at each work station.

This setup helped Aviva maintain uniformity depending on usage as well as volume of work done. Some of the unique features offered in the solution also helped Aviva achieve better usability.

Ricoh’s MDS strategy focused on reducing Aviva Life Insurance’s cost per print numbers as well as satisfying end-user needs.

As a large organisation, Aviva was sceptical whether an MDS solution will help achieve their strategic goal of digitising business processes and automating workflows that stubbornly remain paper-based.

Today, Aviva’s engagement with Ricoh has driven worker productivity by creating the most efficient and effective document workflow environment.

Since the beginning of the engagement that began three years ago, Ricoh took its commitment beyond just consumable-based cost savings by adding complementary capabilities such as print management, document scanning, and an electronic document workflow software.

And the ROI has been more than impressive. Till date, Ricoh has reduced printing costs by 25% compared to the earlier solution.

To read more:

Ricoh’s MDS has benefited Aviva Life Insurance in multiple ways

Ricoh’s MDS has benefited Aviva Life Insurance in multiple ways. For instance, Ricoh’s Remote software provided Aviva Life Insurance with activity tracking and analysis capabilities for all printing, photocopying, and scanning. It improved the company’s placement of devices to avoid print and scan backlogs.

Similarly, it also helped Aviva Life Insurance protect network and data security vulnerabilities. With confidential information moving through workflows every day, AVIVA has established a chain of custody for every document.

Aviva could not risk any business disruption that resulted in permanently losing valuable information assets.

To this end, Ricoh’s MDS solution ensures that document capture processes conform to corporate data protection policies. These policies cover scanned documents both at the server and desktop levels to mitigate business risk. The solution also creates searchable digital files, eliminating the labour required to hunt for information manually.

Overall, Ricoh’s MDS has streamlined Aviva Life Insurance’s printing and documentation processes in a cost-effective and efficient manner, proving that some conventional beliefs have to be broken at times.

To read complete case study read:

Efficiency through process optimisation: Aviva Life Insurance shows the way

Despite the belief held by many business executives that document-driven processes relate only to ‘back office’ functions, research indicates that this conventional wisdom is off the mark and that optimising document-driven processes presents a significant revenue growth opportunity.

Harnath Babu, former CIO at Aviva Life Insurance, however, wanted to break the convention. That’s the reason he decided to optimise document-driven processes at the company and gain better control.

Since Aviva Life Insurance operates in a highly regulated vertical, it faces a constant requirement for prints of customer communication and contractual documents.

The company had a vast printer network spanning 120 locations with more than 2,800 staff and 24,000 agents. “We had already deployed a different vendor’s MFP solution, but it caused frequent printing-related issues,” Babu says.

These, in turn, affected Aviva’s print productivity. Naturally, the company decided to move to a stronger and hassle-free print infrastructure.

To read more:

Sunday 5 February 2017

Ricoh Managed Document Services encompass the three fundamental elements of document management

Ricoh Managed Document Services encompass the three fundamental elements of document management: 

capture (the creation of information)

transform (how information moves around a business) 

manage (processing information in a way to add business value). 

Before deploying Managed Document Services, we study how your business accesses, uses and stores both print and electronic information. By looking at your devices and printed information, we work to optimize that infrastructure to make sure your employees have the right support to do their jobs effectively.   

We then look at user input and output behavior (what they print and why).  We apply printing management technologies to maximize productivity, eliminate waste and costs, and govern the information.  

Then, with a careful eye on related information security issues, we adapt and optimize those processes to make them more efficient and effective—and help you manage that change more effectively.  

Ricoh works with you every step of the way and adapts our recommendations to your business model to create a journey of continuous improvement.

To read further:

Developing a Strong Risk Management and Information Governance Strategy

The challenge of protecting business critical information has never been greater – and neither has the cost of failure. The challenge facing most businesses is the serious security risks and compliance issues caused by the advent of “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) and “Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud” (SMAC), including internal and external collaboration platforms. 

Protect Your Business from Threats

Securing access to your critical information is essential to protecting your company and brand strength. From sensitive customer data to the corporate material that forms the basis of your competitive strength – even the often-overlooked images of confidential data stored on hard drives of multifunctional printers – your information is at risk. And today, it’s harder to protect this data than ever before.
  • The average organization now experiences a staggering 1,400 security attacks each week. And the situation is likely to become even worse, as more resources are moved outside the firewall.1
  • In the face of these challenges, it’s not surprising that the confidence CIOs have in effectively responding to these crises has decreased from 37 percent in 2011 to just 26 percent in 2013.2
How global organizations approach the challenge of protecting personal data
Source: Accenture, “How Global Organizations Approach the Challenge of Protecting Personal Data”
In addition to that, you also need to provide your customers with 100 percent uptime, without interruptions caused by Denial of Service (DoS) attacks or Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs).
Ricoh can help by extending your security reach to the very edge of the information enterprise, including both mobile platforms and document devices, to decrease risk and ensure maximum protection of customer and other critical data.

Manage the Risks and Costs of Non-Compliance

It seems that nearly every week, there’s another story about a company whose customer data has been breached. The costs of failing to protect your customers’ personally identifiable information (PII) can include not only fines and lawsuits but irreparable damage to customer trust and loyalty.
To provide your customers with peace of mind, you need to be able to demonstrate compliance with key regulations governing the security and availability of business information, including:
  • Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) in the US, and international equivalents like Bill 198 in Canada, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law in Japan, and the EU Data Protection Directive
  • Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)
  • Service Organization Control (SOC) 1, 2, & 3 (formerly known as SAS 70)
  • Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
And the requirements to protect sensitive information are not just limited to digital data. Over 30 percent of business information — especially customer data — resides on paper, with many processes comprising both paper and electronic workflows.3 No matter the format, Ricoh can help you secure your critical data.

With the increasing value of business information and the need to prioritize its security, c-level executives are expanding their information governance efforts beyond IT alone to processes specific to different Lines of Business.
Internal security threats and lapses can be addressed with well-articulated information governance policies, strong employee training and a more secure information infrastructure that covers information and technology throughout its lifecycle – from introduction to its secure destruction.

The Bottom Line

Your growth and competitive strength depend on securing your information and operations against the unknown. When your operations are up and running continuously — with no significant disruptions or breaches — customer trust and loyalty will bolster existing revenue streams and drive future business, helping you avoid the significant costs of non-compliance.

1 2013 CIO insights from the Global C-suite Study – IBM, November 2013
2 Harvey Nash CIO Survey 2013
3 IDC White Paper sponsored by Ricoh, “It's Worse than You Think: Poor Document Processes Lead to Significant Business Risk,” doc #6352, June 2012.

Varied functions that you can perform using an enterprise Document Management System

Enterprise document management system plays a crucial role, this sophisticated software help scan and store documents of different types.

Moreover, they act as central repositories in which one can store varied documents in an organised way.

This also ensures easy and fast retrieval process, helping the users find a particular document as and when they need it.

Undoubtedly, a smartly designed office file management system helps perform a lot of actions. In fact, the varied utility is what helps make the document management software so popular.

Since an enterprise document management system helps store a wide number of documents, it’s important to have an advanced search mechanism readily available.

This ensures the users can find the required document just by typing its title in the search box. In fact, there are many software that ensure content search.

While saving a document in an office file management system, you must be ready to handle multiple edits. Since one single document can be accessed by multiple users, there is a high chance that the document will be edited several times. This is where a feature like version control proves to be of great help. It ensures the administrator can keep track of all the edits that have been made to the document. It also helps the administrator have an idea about the activities of the other employees.

Moreover, this feature ensures that all the different versions of documents are available for the administrator to check out. After going through all the versions, he can keep the version of his choice.

Read further:

Most Vital Functions that can be performed using an Advanced Document Management Software

No matter whether you are associated with a small scale business or a large scale organisation, you have to deal with thousands of documents. Although initially it seems to be possible to manage the documents manually, gradually it becomes an absolutely overwhelming process.

This is where a smart solution like enterprise document management system plays a crucial role. These sophisticated software help scan and store documents of different types. Moreover, they act as central repositories in which one can store varied documents in an organised way.

This also ensures easy and fast retrieval process, helping the users find a particular document as and when they need it.

Undoubtedly, a smartly designed office file management system helps perform a lot of actions. In fact, the varied utility is what helps make the document management software so popular.

Advanced search system
Since an enterprise document management system helps store a wide number of documents, it’s important to have an advanced search mechanism readily available. This ensures the users can find the required document just by typing its title in the search box. In fact, there are many software that ensure content search.

Restricted access
For any and every business, privacy is undoubtedly the most important concern. You have to deal with some documents that contain the mission-critical business data. Quite obviously, you would like to restrict the access to those crucial documents. You can easily and safely do this with the help of an advanced document management software. With this feature, you can ensure that only those who are authorised to access the document are able to it. Even if there is an attempt to access the document illegally, you will get a notification about it, so that you can take necessary precautionary measures.

Version control
While saving a document in an office file management system, you must be ready to handle multiple edits. Since one single document can be accessed by multiple users, there is a high chance that the document will be edited several times. This is where a feature like version control proves to be of great help. It ensures the administrator can keep track of all the edits that have been made to the document. It also helps the administrator have an idea about the activities of the other employees. Moreover, this feature ensures that all the different versions of documents are available for the administrator to check out. After going through all the versions, he can keep the version of his choice.

To know further read:

These are some of the most vital functions that can be performed using an advanced document management (or office file management) software.

Version control proves to be of vital feature of an Advanced Document Management Software

While saving a document in an office file management system, you must be ready to handle multiple edits. Since one single document can be accessed by multiple users, there is a high chance that the document will be edited several times.

This is where a feature like version control proves to be of great help. It ensures the administrator can keep track of all the edits that have been made to the document. It also helps the administrator have an idea about the activities of the other employees.

Moreover, this feature ensures that all the different versions of documents are available for the administrator to check out. After going through all the versions, he can keep the version of his choice.

To read further:

Advanced Document Management Software

For any and every business, privacy is undoubtedly the most important concern. You have to deal with some documents that contain the mission-critical business data. Quite obviously, you would like to restrict the access to those crucial documents.

You can easily and safely do this with the help of an advanced document management software.

With this feature, you can ensure that only those who are authorised to access the document are able to it.

Even if there is an attempt to access the document illegally, you will get a notification about it, so that you can take necessary precautionary measures.

To read further:

What are the different actions that can be performed using a document management solution?

Advanced search system
Since an enterprise document management system helps store a wide number of documents, it’s important to have an advanced search mechanism readily available.

This ensures the users can find the required document just by typing its title in the search box. In fact, there are many software that ensure content search.

Restricted access
For any and every business, privacy is undoubtedly the most important concern. You have to deal with some documents that contain the mission-critical business data. Quite obviously, you would like to restrict the access to those crucial documents.

You can easily and safely do this with the help of an advanced document management software. With this feature, you can ensure that only those who are authorised to access the document are able to it.

Even if there is an attempt to access the document illegally, you will get a notification about it, so that you can take necessary precautionary measures.

Version control
While saving a document in an office file management system, you must be ready to handle multiple edits. Since one single document can be accessed by multiple users, there is a high chance that the document will be edited several times.

This is where a feature like version control proves to be of great help. It ensures the administrator can keep track of all the edits that have been made to the document. It also helps the administrator have an idea about the activities of the other employees.

Moreover, this feature ensures that all the different versions of documents are available for the administrator to check out. After going through all the versions, he can keep the version of his choice.

To read further:

A Smartly Designed Office File Management System

A smartly designed office file management system helps perform a lot of actions. In fact, the varied utility is what helps make the document management software so popular.

Since an enterprise document management system helps store a wide number of documents, it’s important to have an advanced search mechanism readily available.

This ensures the users can find the required document just by typing its title in the search box. In fact, there are many software that ensure content search.

For any and every business, privacy is undoubtedly the most important concern. You have to deal with some documents that contain the mission-critical business data. Quite obviously, you would like to restrict the access to those crucial documents.

You can easily and safely do this with the help of an advanced document management software. With this feature, you can ensure that only those who are authorised to access the document are able to it.

Even if there is an attempt to access the document illegally, you will get a notification about it, so that you can take necessary precautionary measures.

To read further:

Enterprise Document Management System

Filing management system is undoubtedly an integral part of any business. 

No matter whether you are associated with a small scale business or a large scale organisation, you have to deal with thousands of documents. 

Although initially it seems to be possible to manage the documents manually, gradually it becomes an absolutely overwhelming process. This is where a smart solution like enterprise document management system plays a crucial role.

These sophisticated software help scan and store documents of different types. Moreover, they act as central repositories in which one can store varied documents in an organised way.

This also ensures easy and fast retrieval process, helping the users find a particular document as and when they need it.

To read further at :