Thursday 5 January 2017

RICOH INDIA's Managed Document Solutions - Multi-faceted benefits

Ricoh MDS providing an organisation with following multi-faceted benefits

1. Controlling costs - Controlling costs related to people, processes and technology throughout the document lifecycle delivers consistent, longterm savings.

2. Environmental sustainability - A comprehensive model for sustainability optimisation, MDS supports your ‘green’ initiatives as part of your larger strategic corporate goals.

3. Information security and governance - Information governance mitigates costs and risk of non-compliance to secure information capital in the interest of building trust with your customers.

4. Worker productivity - Improving the availability and use of business- critical information makes iWorkers more productive, fosters innovation and improves business agility.

5. Managing change - Realising the benefits of transforming businesscritical document processes depends on successfully and permanently changing people’s behaviour.

6. Optimising information - Focusing on finding new ways to get the right information, at the right time, in the right form helps optimise the value of your information.

7. Strategic infrastructure - Anticipating and aligning an organisation’s infrastructure with its business objectives delivers scalability, flexibility and secures information access.

8.Streamlining processes - Effective processes improve response to customers, shorten sales cycles, and increase knowledge sharing and collaboration to help grow your business.

For more details visit

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