Thursday 5 January 2017

Ricoh India infused Efficiency through Process Optimization - Case Study Aviva Life Insurance

Despite the belief held by many business executives that document-driven processes relate
only to “back office” functions, research indicates that this conventional wisdom is off the mark and that optimizing document-driven processes presents a significant revenue growth opportunity. Aviva Life Insurance, however, wanted to break the convention. That’s the reason they decided to optimize document-driven processes at his company and gain better controls.

Since Aviva Life Insurance operates in a highly regulated vertical, it faces a constant requirement for prints of customer communication and contractual documents. The company had a vast printer network spanning 120 locations with more than 2,800 staff and 24,000 agents. “We had already deployed a different vendor’s MFP solution, but it caused frequent printing-related issues,” Babu says. These, in turn, affected Aviva’s print productivity.

Naturally, the company decided to move to a stronger and hassle-free print infrastructure.Babu then started evaluating vendors who could fulfil Aviva’s print requirements and provide other value additions too. “We have a corporate excellence process that involves rigorous evaluation right from vendor registration to selection, and Ricoh satisfied all the criteria before being selected as our new MDS partner,” he says.

Ricoh’s team evaluated Aviva Life Insurance’s requirements and recommended a select set of devices along with software solutions, depending upon the printing and document application and usage at each work station. “This setup has helped us maintain uniformity depending on usage as well as volume of work done. Some of the unique features offered in the solution have also helped us achieve better usability,” he adds.
Getting on Board Ricoh’s MDS strategy focused on reducing Aviva Life Insurance’s cost per print numbers as well as satisfying end-user needs. Today, his company’s engagement with Ricoh has driven worker productivity by creating the most efficient and effective document workflow environment. 

Since the beginning of the engagement that began three years ago, Ricoh has taken its commitment beyond just consumablebased cost savings by adding complementary capabilities such as print management, document scanning, and an electronic document workflow software. And the ROI has been more than impressive. Until today, Ricoh has reduced printing costs by 25 percent compared to the earlier solution.

A Bundle of Benefits

Ricoh’s MDS has benefited Aviva Life Insurance in multiple ways. For instance, Ricoh’s Remote software has provided Aviva Life Insurance with activity tracking and analysis capabilities for all printing, photocopying, and scanning. It has also improved the company’s placement of devices to avoid print and scan backlogs.

Similarly, it has also helped Aviva Life Insurance protect network and data security vulnerabilities. “With confidential information moving through workflows everyday, we need to establish a chain of custody for every document,” says Babu.

Also, Aviva cannot risk any business disruption that will result in permanently losing valuable information assets. To this end, Ricoh’s MDS solution today ensures that document capture processes conform to corporate data protection policies. These policies cover scanned documents both at the server and desktop levels to mitigate business risk.

The solution also creates searchable digital files, eliminating the labour required to hunt for information manually. Overall, Ricoh’s MDS has streamlined Aviva Life Insurance’s printing and documentation processes in a cost-effective and efficient manner, proving that some conventional beliefs have to be broken at times.

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